Thumb replacement: A lifechanging procedure
The thumb plays an essential role in hand function and when it is injured or damaged, its absence can significantly impact a person’s ability to live their normal life and complete everyday tasks. Thumb replacement can offer patients lifechanging improvements to their hand function and symptoms they were experiencing in relation to their thumb. In this article we’ll be explaining what a thumb replacement is and how it is beneficial for patients.
What is thumb replacement surgery?
Thumb replacement or thumb joint replacement is a procedure that is commonly carried out in cases where the patient is suffering with severe arthritis or osteoarthritis. This type of surgery involves removing the arthritic joint at the base of the thumb and then replacing it with an artificial joint.
Early implants for thumb replacements were made of silicone, but as technology has progressed implants have evolved and improved. They are now made using metal such as nickel or titanium or pyrocarbon with cushioning synthetic spacers that sit between the bones.
When is thumb replacement needed?
This procedure is typically performed to ease symptoms of severe pain at the bottom of the thumb and offer better mobility in the joint. Patients are often encouraged to try other forms of treatment before surgery such as painkillers, splints, steroid injections, and activity modifications to ease their symptoms. However, in serious cases where quality of life is being affected, individuals can seek thumb replacement surgery.
Metal joint replacements are a favourable choice for older patients with arthritic symptoms and the operation is minimally intrusive. Therefore, they will probably experience faster healing and rehabilitation periods. Certain implants can be inserted without the need to remove the trapezium (a bone located at the thumb’s base), thereby preserving healthy tissue. This could enhance strength and offer alternatives for future procedures if necessary. For a CMC joint replacement to be considered, the adjacent joint must be free of arthritis and in good health, and the trapezium should be sufficiently large to accommodate the replacement.
What are the benefits of a thumb replacement?
There are several reasons why a thumb replacement would be considered as a lifechanging procedure. The main benefits of the procedure are:
Restored functionality
The thumb is essential for various types of hand function such as grasping, pinching, and manipulating objects. A successful thumb replacement can restore some of these key movements, allowing the individual to regain more independence in their daily activities.
Better dexterity
The opposable thumb is a unique human feature that enables us to be able to carry out intricate tasks. Thumb joint replacement aims to restore as much opposable function in the thumb as possible. As a result, patients will be able to better perform tasks that need precision and dexterity including writing and typing.
Improved quality of life
Pain in the thumb caused by arthritis damage or an injury can have a substantial effect on a person’s quality of life. A thumb replacement can be transformative in terms of pain relief and improving quality of life for those who have felt limited by their symptoms.
MAIA CMCJ replacement
The MAIA CMCJ replacement created by Groupe Lepine is designed for the surgical treatment of basal thumb osteoarthritis. It has many impressive features that make it a useful prosthesis for surgeons completing thumb replacement procedures. These features include:
- Dual mobility that ensures stability and reduces the risk of dislocation.
- Hemispherical trapezium cup available in 8mm, 9mm, and 10mm options with 4 pins for core stability.
- Modern, cannulated instrumentation for accurate implantation.
- Implants have a dual coating of porous titanium and hydroxyapatite for uncemented fixation.
- Titanium necks available for nickel-sensitive patients.
For more information about the MAIA CMCJ replacement contact our specialist team of orthopaedic distributors at LEDA Orthopaedics. We love hearing patient success stories from the surgical solutions we supply. See the impact a CMCJ arthroplasty can have with the MAIA replacement in our recent LinkedIn post (link to be embedded).